Memorial Day Reflection 2024

On this Memorial Day weekend, it is a good time to reflect on the reason for this holiday. Memorial Day is observed each year on the last Monday of May. It provides us with an opportunity to honor the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, holding family gatherings, having picnics and cookouts, and participating in parades. I am afraid that sometimes we get so busy enjoying our time off that we forget the reason for this particular holiday. Here is a poem I wrote a few years ago as I reflected on the brave men and women whom we honor on Memorial Day.

“21 Gun Salute”

You got a 21 gun salute from rifles
Pointed at the sky,
Taps cut through the silence,
As we came to tell you goodbye.

Now your flag is already folded,
Flowers placed on your grave,
I wish I knew how to thank you,
For the sacrifice you gave.

You loved your life dearly,
But you loved your country more.
You chose to serve her and defend her,
In peacetime and in war.

And I don’t think you knew the price,
That you would have to pay.
But I know it wouldn’t have changed your mind,
Or the oath you took that day.

It seems like there would be more,
That we could do or say,
For ones who gave their lives
To protect the freedoms we have today.

But for now I’ll just say thank you,
You gave all that you could give.
You laid down your life and fought,
So that we can freely live.

And you got a 21 gun salute from rifles
Pointed at the sky,
Taps cut through the silence
As we came to tell you goodbye.

Now your flag is already folded,
Flowers placed on your grave.
And I am deeply grateful,
For the sacrifice you gave.

I hope you have a good weekend and that you are able to enjoy some time with friends and family. I hope that you will take some time to give thanks for the sacrifice of the brave men and women we honor on Memorial Day. May God bless you and the families of those who gave their life in the service of our country.

About pastorpstephens

I have been blessed to have served as a pastor, a chaplain and to have been involved in other ministries throughout the years. My wife Marta and I have been blessed with a wonderful family that includes our daughter, her husband and their two daughters and our son and his wife and their son. Each of them are very special to us so please keep them all in your prayers. One truth that I always try to share with people I meet is that anything God asks you to do, He will help you to do. God has your back.
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