On the Path

This week in chapel our scripture came from Proverbs 3. This psalm includes one of the very first bible verses that I ever memorized – Proverbs 3:5-6.

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.

That is a great verse to memorize and an even better one to live by. We discussed how beneficial it is for us and what a blessing it is to us when we trust in God and look to Him for guidance and direction. We also to took time to acknowledge that it can be easy to take our eyes off of the Lord and go our own direction. As we talked, many in the group shared about some of “the briars and brambles” that entangled them when they wandered away from God’s path. Some very tough but powerful testimonies were shared.

Some spoke of pain they caused, some spoke of pain they experienced, and many spoke of both. But without fail, each one gave thanks to the Lord for His grace and the loving way He has helped them to get back on the right path. Not only was it a time of testimony, but it was also a time of blessing. What an awesome God we serve.

Posted in All the right moves, Being Blessed, Christianity, Church, Don't give up, Draw close to God, faith, Proverbs 3:5-6 | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Walking in the Light

I have been preaching through the gospel of John and I have really enjoyed it. It is such a blessing to reflect on the words of Christ. This week I have been prayerfully meditating on this verse in John 8:12

John 8:12 Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, “I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.”

I like the great truths the Lord presents to us in this verse. Jesus is the light of the world and those who follow Him will not walk in darkness. That is a great comfort to me. When I was a little kid, I was scared of the dark. Up until I was four or five years old, I imagined werewolves and monsters hiding in the closet. I did not care for the darkness at all! As I got older, I no longer worried about werewolves or monsters in the closet. But as I got older, I became aware of other things that could be scary, other things that can keep a person awake at night. Cruel and unkind words that some people fling about carelessly and recklessly. Anxiety and concern about desperate and difficult circumstances that seem like they will never change. Pain, confusion, and anger experienced when someone you love becomes gravely ill and passes away. Guilt and shame experienced when we recognize that we have walked in the darkness.

Yes, the world can be a dark and scary place, but Jesus offers His light to us. He offers forgiveness. He offers hope. He offers the ability to overcome the anxiety, pain, and confusion we experience in the dark times of our life. He promises that His love will cast out our fear. He promises to illuminate our path and walk with us through the valley of the shadow of death. He promises to prepare a table for us even in the presence of our enemies. He promises that His goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our life, illuminating our path, guiding our steps, strengthening, and comforting us every step of the way.  Jesus offers to drive out the darkness and enable us to walk in His light. And when you realize that, when you receive what He offers, it makes it so much easier to sleep at night.  May God bless you with His peace and His presence.

Posted in Christianity, Draw close to God, faith, Faith during hard times, God will help you, John 8:12, the light of the world | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Encouraging Words

This past week I was blessed with the honor of officiating a memorial service for a co-worker. This individual was well-loved by all the staff and the patients they served at the hospital. Throughout the week, as I visited with staff and patients, I was blessed to hear them recount some of their favorite memories of the person who had passed. I put together this poem based on the lovely stories my friends shared with me.

Encouraging Words

Every word we say can make an impact,
Whether we are at work, or rest, or play.
So may our words be like beautiful flowers,
That brighten everyone else’s day.

And every time we burn the popcorn,
Let’s just laugh and tell a joke,
Maybe others will laugh with us,
And not notice all the smoke.

Yes, let’s strive to encourage others,
Inspiring joy each time we meet.
May our words be described as honey,
Because others find them so sweet.

And may God bless those who have built us up,
And brought a smile to our face.
We’ll always be grateful for their encouragement,
For it is a gift that time & trials never can erase.

I pray that this week you will take advantage of the opportunity to encourage others and that others will take the time to encourage you. And if you are dealing with a loss, I pray that you will be comforted and strengthened by the Lord and by friends who care for you and who care about you. May God bless you richly.

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Praying Expectantly

I have a couple of things that I have been in prayer about this week for a couple of different people. Both of them asked me to lift up a request for them. While the requests were unspoken, I know that each of these individuals are seeking help and guidance for something very personal. One of them asked me for a verse they could meditate on while they pray and wait. Their words reminded me of what David said in Psalm 5:

Psalm 5:3 In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.

I am going to pray for my friends and lift up their requests each morning in the upcoming week. I fully expect the Lord will answer their prayers and meet their needs – whatever the situation may be. As I pray, I am going to give thanks to the Lord for His faithfulness and make some requests of my own for my family, my friends, and for people who are facing some difficult circumstances this week. I know some people who are readying themselves for career changes, some who are dealing with illnesses, and some who have lost loved ones recently. I will lay all those requests before the Lord and wait in expectation, because I know that He answers prayer. If you have a special request that you would like me to add to my list, just let me know. And as I pray, I will pray for you and I will wait expectantly for the Lord to answer.

Posted in Christianity, Draw close to God, God Answers Prayer, prayer, Praying for Others, Psalm 5:3, religion | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Let Your Light Shine

This week in our chapel class we talked about one of my favorite passages, Matthew 5:15-16. I love the instruction and the encouragement we find in these verses. This passage comes from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. It follows the “beatitudes” and it is an exhortation directed at the followers of Christ.

Matthew 5:15 “No one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket, instead they place it on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16 Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.”

As we talked in class about this passage, our conversation initially centered on identifying some good works that we can do for others. We spoke of shining our light through various acts of kindness and words of encouragement that we share with others. There were some great examples of sharing and caring offered up by the group. And then the conversation shifted. We talked about some of the baskets that hide our light. We talked about fears, frustrations, bad habits, and other things which keep us from shining our light. It was a little heavy as people spoke honestly of some the “baskets” they have wrestled with in the past and which they wrestle with today.

One person shared that they felt like they had wasted a lot of years with their light under a basket. They spoke of relationships damaged and opportunities squandered by not walking in their faith, by not glorifying God with their words or their actions. Then they added, “But God is so good. He is helping me to get rid of some of those baskets. He is helping me start to shine my light again. I am going to leave chapel today and I am going to say some things and do some things that will bless others and glorify Him.” Amen.

I don’t know what baskets or situations or circumstances may have kept you from shining your light this week but I know this. God is good. And no matter how dark things may have been, God will strengthen you. God will help you to walk in your faith. God will help you shine your light again. And as you do, others will be blessed and our Lord will be glorified.

Posted in can't go on, chaplaincy, Christianity, doing the right thing, faith, good choices, Matthew 5:16 | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

One Who Intercedes for Us

In the past couple of weeks, I have spoken with several people who are facing some major changes or obstacles that were completely unexpected. Several have expressed that they have been praying but because they are still reeling from what they have experienced that they do not have any words. Connecting with the Lord and communing with Him in prayer is always important and beneficial. It is especially important when we do not understand why certain things may be happening to us or the people we love. In such times, we may not even know what to say to God. It is in those times that I am grateful for the truth of Romans 8:26:

Rom 8:26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep to understand.

Romans chapter 8 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. It speaks to us about the victory we have in Christ. And in that chapter, the Lord reminds us, through the inspired writings of the Apostle Paul, that even when we feel defeated, even when we feel confused and distraught, even when we do not know what to say in our prayers, the Holy Spirit helps us. The Spirit lifts up an intercessory prayer for us, with all the right words. What a great truth. What a powerful comfort. What an amazing Lord.

Posted in Christianity, Don't give up, Draw close to God, Faith during hard times, God's comfort, God's Love, Meeting our Needs, Romans 8:26, The Helper | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Presence of Our Heavenly Father

In our chapel class this week, we talked about Psalm 121. It begins with the writer saying, “I lift up my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.” This wonderful psalm reminds us that we can trust our Heavenly Father to watch over and protect us. As we discussed this promise and what it looks like in our lives, one person pointed out that we can trust that our Heavenly Father is watching over us, even when we do not realize He is there. This thought reminded me of a special memory of a time when I was in third grade.

That year we attended school in nearby town because my mom was a new teacher there. We generally stayed late after school to wait for her to finish grading papers or one of the thousands of other tasks teachers often engage in. On that particular day, I was supposed to meet a fifth grader after school by bicycle rack. We weren’t meeting there to trade stories. Nope, he wanted to trade punches. We had already traded jokes and insults during lunch. And at some point, I said something which I thought was hilarious, and it must have been because it made everybody laugh. Well, everybody except this certain fifth grader. He got mad and he “double dog dared me” to meet him after school by the bicycle rack. So, I said I would, and I did. Now, please understand I do not condone unnecessary violence. Fighting generally does not solve much of anything. But this was not unnecessary violence in my mind, because I was new at this school, and as I said earlier, he did “double dog dare me” in front of everybody at lunch.

This kid was a lot bigger than I was, so I got there early to survey the surroundings and make note of all the possible exit routes. As I did, I came up with a plan. I scooped up a fistful of dirt in each hand, squared my shoulders, and balled up my fists. I figured as soon as he got close enough, I would throw some dirt, some dust, and some pea gravel in his face. As soon as he closed his eyes, I would pounce on him. Now, again, let me emphasize that I generally do not condone violence. But as I said, he was bigger than I was, so I had a plan – not a godly plan, but a plan nonetheless.

Pretty soon, here comes that fifth grader around the corner, cracking his knuckles and making fish eyes trying to intimidate me. As I watched him walk up, waiting for the right time to execute my “dirt, dust, and pea gravel” plan I noticed some other guys a few steps behind him coming around the corner too. That little rat brought some other fifth graders with him! I don’t know if they were his friends or not, but they were with him! And I didn’t have anybody with me because I was new at school. I hadn’t made any friends yet; I was too busy making enemies! As they got closer, they all started cracking their knuckles and making fish eyes too! I knew that I did not have enough dirt, dust, and pea gravel for all of them.

But I stood there anyway, trying to look a whole lot taller, a whole lot bigger, and a whole lot meaner than I ever looked before. Suddenly, they all stopped in their tracks! They dropped their hands, they stopped cracking their knuckles, they quit making fish eyes, and they just kind of looked at their feet. One or two of them mumbled something and then they all turned and went back the way they came. Before I could congratulate myself for looking so big and mean that I turned away a whole pack of fifth graders, I heard a voice behind me. I turned and saw my father. My mom had to stay extra late that day so my dad came to the school to pick me up and take me home. My father asked me, “Who were those guys?” “Nobody,” I answered. As we walked to the car, I asked my father, “How long were you there?” I will never forget his answer, “Long enough to know you needed more dirt.”

I reflected on all of that as we talked about this psalm. Even though I did not know he was there, my earthly father was right there with me when I needed him. His presence alone made a tough situation turn out for the better. I think that is what the psalmist is trying to impress upon the reader. Our heavenly Father can be trusted to be there when we need Him. He will never leave us nor forsake us. He is right there with us, even when we are not aware of His presence. And yet, we often depend on ourselves and rely on our own strategies. We think we have enough dirt, dust, and pea gravel to get out of every situation. We don’t. We think we can plan our way out of every bad situation. We can’t. Do you need help? Do you need strength, protection, wisdom, guidance, comfort, mercy, and grace? Ask the same question and come up with the same answer as the writer of Psalm 21, “Where shall my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” He will watch over you, both now and forevermore. Turn to Him. He is much closer than you know.

May God bless you and the people you love,
Pastor Phillip

Posted in Christianity, Church, Draw close to God, faith, God is with Me, God will help you, Psalm 121:2, Psalm 122:1 | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

A Back to School Prayer

This week my daughter sent me some pictures of our granddaughters as they headed off for the first day of school – they are both in junior high. They were excited to go back and see their friends. I spent a good part of my week praying for them and the rest of the kids to have a good year. I oftentimes will take my prayers and write them down. I did that this week.

A Prayer for Our Children

Lord, please watch over our children
As they head off to school.
May they and everyone they meet
Follow the Golden Rule.

May each friendship be healthy,
May every class go well,
May they come home every day
With some great stories to tell.

Please lead them and guide them
As they go on their way,
Bring them home safely
At the end of each day.

And of all the things they may learn
And of all the things they may do,
I pray that most of all,
They will be drawn even closer to You.

I pray that you and the people you love have a blessed week. I pray that you will make time to read God’s word, send up some praises, and send up some prayers. And if you need someone else to pray for, I have 3 people very close to me who are seeing cardiologists for different, but very serious conditions.

Until next time, stay strong in the faith,

Pastor Phillip Stephens

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Let Him Increase

I hope you are doing well and feeling healthy and strong in all aspects.  I hope that this week you have felt God’s presence and been blessed with the peace of mind that only He can provide.  I experienced such a moment with a couple of friends earlier this week.  We were sitting in the shade early in the morning, enjoying a rare breeze, and one of them asked me what I scripture I was preaching on this weekend.  I gave them a thumbnail sketch of my message based on John the Baptist’s expression “He must increase, I must decrease.”

We discussed our thoughts for a few minutes about what “Him increasing and us decreasing” might look like in the life of one who follows Christ.  Then we just sat there in the shade and listened to a play list of some of our favorite hymns.  After a few songs, one of my friends spoke up, “I think He increased just by us sitting here in the shade, talking about His Word, and praising His name.”  To which my other friend replied, “Yes, I think you’re right.  And what a blessing it has been.”  It was a good moment.  It was a God moment.  And I was blessed to share it with some friends.

I pray that you will experience similar moments this week.  I pray that you will be able to rest and relax and that you will make some time to sit and rest in the peace and the presence of God.

Posted in Christianity, Draw close to God, faith, John 3:30, quiet time | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Still Waters

Over the years as a chaplain, I have served many individuals who for one reason or another have difficulty expressing themselves with words. Some people are just a bit shy and more reserved than others. Some have experienced past trauma and as a natural result of their past experience, they can be somewhat guarded in their conversations and interactions with others. And although there are countless other reasons why some people may be a little more quiet and a little more difficult to get to know, it does nothing to diminish the worth and the blessing it can be to get to know each individual.

As I reflected on that this week, I was reminded of what the Bible says in Proverbs 20:5, “The thoughts of a person’s heart are like deep waters, but one with understanding will draw them out.” Some people don’t speak a lot of words or engage in lengthy conversations, so it does take some effort to get to know them. But if you make the effort and take the time to draw from those deep waters, you can be blessed with a wonderful friend.

Still Waters

I have always heard it said
That still waters run very deep
But a person of understanding will reach in
And uncover the secrets that they keep.

People whose words don’t flow so freely
May need more time to see that we care
But with patience and persistence
We are blessed with the stories that they share.

So don’t be afraid to dip your cup
Into those waters that gently flow
In time you will learn so much
And a wonderful friendship will grow.

May God bless you with a wonderful weekend. May your days be filled with His goodness and His grace. Until next time, stay strong in the faith.

Posted in Being Blessed, chaplaincy, Christianity, encouraging others, faith, inspirational, Proverbs 20:5 | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment