Weeping with Those Who Weep

Over the years, many people have asked me for suggestions on what to say when they offer support and condolences to others in a time of loss. And while I do have some thoughts and suggestions on what is helpful and what is not helpful in such situations, I have found that when I am hurting, it is not what I hear, but who is near, that comforts me the most in those times of grief and sorrow. Here are a few more of my thoughts on the matter, written down in verse.

Weeping with Those Who Weep

Someone recently lost a loved one,
And they’re struggling with saying goodbye.
You’re not sure what you should say,
As you see them sit and cry.

Your heart aches as you see their sorrow,
As they wrestle to understand.
So, you quietly sit beside them,
And let them take your hand.

Words of comfort seem to fail you,
You can think of nothing profound to say.
So, you just sit with them in silence,
As the time slowly ticks away.

Your friend offers you a fleeting smile,
And whispers “thank you” when you arise to go.
Your presence as you sat with them,
Spoke louder than you will ever know.

There is a healing that begins,
When we weep with those who weep.
Our presence can bring comfort to some places,
That our words could never reach.

About pastorpstephens

I have been blessed to have served as a pastor, a chaplain and to have been involved in other ministries throughout the years. My wife Marta and I have been blessed with a wonderful family that includes our daughter, her husband and their two daughters and our son and his wife and their son. Each of them are very special to us so please keep them all in your prayers. One truth that I always try to share with people I meet is that anything God asks you to do, He will help you to do. God has your back.
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